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Swargarohan | સ્વર્ગારોહણ

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કર્મયોગ પર શ્રી યોગેશ્વરજીના પ્રવચનો


Topic : Karma Yog (Bhagavad Gita, chapter 03)
Place : Nazar Baug, Mandvi, Vadodara
Date : 20 December 1983 - 03 January 1984
Language  : Gujarati

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Nilesh Bhakta
1 year ago
Om Maa
Me gusta todos los pravachan de Prbhu donde hay toda la Adhyatmik riqueza que no va encontrar en ninguna parte y Llega directamente a tu mente para quedar
Om Maa
I like all the pravachan of Prbhu where there is all the wealth Adhyatmik that you will not find anywhere and It comes directly to your mind to stay
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Bakul Dave
3 years ago
Thanks for sharing Jkm
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Arun Kumar
5 years ago
Jay krupalu Maa.
I hear this pravachans online from our website daily going to work. My one hour time becomes very useful for my internal developmen. I remember Prabhu's words during working.
Thank you Maa.
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Mahesh Joshi
11 years ago
excellent knowledge obtained.
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Lajja Vyas
11 years ago
Whenever we have a question Maa always gives an answers. Distance doesnot matter. Thank you Maa. Om Yogeshwaray Namah!
Jai Krupalu Maa.
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Parul Shah
12 years ago
Very good site. Swamiji's Karma Yoga is very touching. Thanks.
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Jayesh R. Shukla
12 years ago
નમસ્તે. પ્રભુજી શ્રી યોગેશ્વરજીની અમૃતવાણી સાંભળી અનેક પ્રશ્નોનું સમાધાન થઈ જાય છે॰ "મા"ને મળવાની ઇચ્છા ક્યારે પૂરી થશે? હું નવો છું. મને કેવી રીતે મળવું એ મુંઝવણ છે. આભાર॰
- જયેશ શુક્લ, સુભાનપુરા,વડોદરા-૨૩
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Manoj Thaker
12 years ago
I longed to listen Gujarati for a long time, beeing in uk.It had to be rich in meaning,satvik,diction,evenly paced,tempered in emotions,transfer sentiments,plural,sized for depth and width of my heritage and allows me to be mildly proud while sharing it with my family friends and wider society. I am pleased to say that these talks suffice my apetite. Thank you all for making it possible.
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Vipul patel
13 years ago
I heard this saint when I was in Vadodara, around 1981. Very touching, non-stop, fluent GEETA pravachan in Gujarati language and "real true meaning" hardly found among few saints.
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Ravi Sadhu
14 years ago
I tried to listen & read to some audio and bhajans, but not done.
[For audio problems, please refer to our FAQ section. - admin]
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14 years ago
Very good effort being took by Shri Yogeshwaranandji to teach people through audio speech. The common man can easily digest the deep vedic scripts in mind.
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14 years ago
Can someone help me to let me know how to download audios to IPOD.-- I can download to WMA BUT don't know how to get to IPOD using itunes-- if anyone knows please help.. I appreciate a bunch. I would love to hear all audio where I go. Thanks
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Aakash Polra
15 years ago
Tabla-like sound added at the end for Maa sarveshwari's bhajans are quite disturbing. Original recordings without this added-feature were much nicer.
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Anil Gandhi
15 years ago
I tried to listen to some audio and bhajans but could not.Is it any other way?
I often look up your website.It is very nice.You should make all of shri Yogeshwarji's books and article available in pdf files so we can read at our own pace and not sit in front of computer for so long.
Keep up the good work
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