પતંજલિના યોગસૂત્રો પર શ્રી યોગેશ્વરજીના પ્રવચનો
Topic : Yog Darshan (Treatise on Patanjali's Yoga Sutra)
Place : Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
Dates : 25 February 1984 to 2 March 1984
Language : Gujarati
Shri Yogeshwarji : Yog Darshan
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Can you help please.
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Pranam Maa Prabhu.
Jay Yogeshwar
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- Dr S R Patel
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Ordinary people like us get so much involved in the materialistic world that we lose track of & forget the human goal of "ATMADARSHN".
Mahatmaji visited at our home at village Valan, Dist. Surat in 1965 when i was born. then second time in 1978, He visited at surat at the residence of Mr T G Bhatt, but on that time i was a boy but i had heard about Him from my father.
Now a days, I have great hunger to know our great hidden Shshtra like Bh. Gitaji, Upnishds,Yoga sutras and one day i found this site. I saw a Photo Graph Of Mahtmaji and then ......i have no words. He is still alive in our hearts and know our needs then ourselves ... here is great treasure in this site .... i am very much thankful to the persons who had organise this ... i am sure that they must know the value of this so after very hard work they had done - again thanks for everything.
My Sp Pranam to Divine MAA.
Now I would like to find some thing that describes this "Indian psychology" lecture in more detail so I can teach people in my masters level counseling class at an American university.
Is it possible to have the patanjal yoga sutras recited in Sanskrit so that we can also recite them with correct pronunciation.
This is very good site . Please keep it up
You are doing a wonderful work
we are proud of you. You are doing a very important work which will be appreciated by a large section of people who will understand the value of our rich mythological treasure.
thanks and jai krupalu maa
sanat joshi