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Swargarohan | સ્વર્ગારોહણ

Danta Road, Ambaji 385110
Gujarat INDIA
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પતંજલિના યોગસૂત્રો પર શ્રી યોગેશ્વરજીના પ્રવચનો


Topic : Yog Darshan (Treatise on Patanjali's Yoga Sutra)
Place : Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
Dates : 25 February 1984 to 2 March 1984
Language : Gujarati

If you like the lectures, and feel inspired, please drop a line in the comment below. Your responses encourage us to put more such lectures online.


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Ravindra Vallabhdas
2 years ago

I want to download these lectures to listen offline.
Can you help please.
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Kantilal Parmar
4 years ago
પુજ્ય શ્રી મારા નેવું પુરા થયા અને આધ્યાત્મિક વાંચન કરતો રહું છું. સાથે ઓડિયો મળે તો સરળતાથી સાંભળી લાભ લઉં છું. ઈન્ટરનેટ પર હવે ઘણું મળી રહે છે એથી હું પોતાને ધન્ય માનું છું. આપ સૌ મહાનુભાવોને શત શત વંદન..... કાંતિલાલ પરમાર - હીચીન - યુકે.
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Khyati Pandya
4 years ago
Mara Grandfather and i both like Yogeshwarji and love to read books but books are not available so, please tell how to purchase books.
Please contact swargarohan for availability and pricing - admin.
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Darshana Prajapati
4 years ago
Thank you Maa, I really like this all audios on Yog Darshan. I like to listen again and again. Very Helpful.
Pranam Maa Prabhu.
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Sanat Joshi
9 years ago
પૂજ્યશ્રીના પ્રવચન વેબ પર મુકીને ખુબ સુંદર કાર્ય કર્યું છે. અભિનંદન દક્ષેશભાઈ. પૂજ્ય મા ને પ્રણામ.
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Haresh Patel
10 years ago
I wish to download few audios like Yog Darshan & related. Please Assist & guide how to Download these links, as the Audio is taking long time to buffer & thus not able to listen to it.
Jay Yogeshwar
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Hasmukh Dave
11 years ago
Lectures are very effective and in easy and simple language. Every one can understand. Thanks for making available such inspiring lectures on website.
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Jayesh R. Shukla
12 years ago
મને શ્રી યોગેશ્વરજીનું પ્રકાશના પંથે વેબસાઈડ પર વાચવાની પ્રસન્નતા છે. અશ્વિનભાઈ ટેલર (વડોદરાવાળા)ની ઓળખાણ છે. હું મા સર્વેસ્વરીદેવી સાથે અધ્યાત્મિક મુજવણોનું થોડું માર્ગદર્શન મેળવવા ઇચ્છું છું, તો મુલાકાત કરાવી આપશો? મારા વંદન સ્વીકરશો.
- જયેશ શુક્લ
[Pl. check your mail inbox - admin]
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Jayesh R. Shukla
12 years ago
હું તો પ્રભુજી યોગેશ્વરજીનો ચાહક છું મારે માં સર્વેશ્વરીજીને મળવું છે. શું કરવું?
- જયેશ શુક્લ
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Dr S R Patel
12 years ago
I tried to download the lectures on Yog Darshan. But the message comes that it requires proper plugin. Can you please make proper correction in web site for download of audio file or guide us for further steps in download.
- Dr S R Patel
[We do not have download facility for this audios. Select lectures are available for download. Pl. see download section>mp3 for details. - admin]
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Dr. Shailesh Goti
13 years ago
હું શ્રી યોગેશ્વરજીના આત્મસંયમયોગ પરના પ્રવચન સાંભળી ખુબ જ પ્રભાવિત થયો છું. યોગેશ્વરજીના અન્ય પ્રવચનો જે ઓડિયો ફોલ્ડરમાં મુકેલા છે તે ડાઉનલોડ થઈ શકે તેમ નથી. જો શક્ય હોય તો તેમને પણ ડાઉનલોડ માટે મુકશો જેથી ક્યાંય પણ, ક્યારે પણ, ઈન્ટરનેટ ન હોય તો પણ, સાંભળી શકાય. જો તેમની CD કે DVD મળતી હોય તો પણ જણાવશો. સીતારામ.
(સ્વર્ગારોહણ, અંબાજીનો સંપર્ક સાધવા વિનંતી)
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13 years ago
ઓમ. ગુજરાતીમાં ઓનલાઈન આધ્યાત્મિક મટીરીયલ એ ખરેખર ધન્યવાદને પાત્ર છે. ઈશ્વર આપને વધુને વધુ શક્તિ આપે એવી પ્રાર્થના.
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Tinu Bhakta.
14 years ago
શ્રી દક્ષેશભાઇ જય કૃપાળુ‘મા‘
મારે પૂ.પ્રભુજીના પ્રવચન સાંભળવા છે.
[click on any lecture title and it will play - admin]
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Kavita Shah
14 years ago
Whenever I read & listen to Guruji's teachings, my life is enthused with the desire to reach the creator and I start my efforts in that direction which otherwise had become slack & dormant.


Ordinary people like us get so much involved in the materialistic world that we lose track of & forget the human goal of "ATMADARSHN".
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Ankur C Patel Kothari
15 years ago
Priya Bhaktjan
Mahatmaji visited at our home at village Valan, Dist. Surat in 1965 when i was born. then second time in 1978, He visited at surat at the residence of Mr T G Bhatt, but on that time i was a boy but i had heard about Him from my father.
Now a days, I have great hunger to know our great hidden Shshtra like Bh. Gitaji, Upnishds,Yoga sutras and one day i found this site. I saw a Photo Graph Of Mahtmaji and then ......i have no words. He is still alive in our hearts and know our needs then ourselves ... here is great treasure in this site .... i am very much thankful to the persons who had organise this ... i am sure that they must know the value of this so after very hard work they had done - again thanks for everything.
My Sp Pranam to Divine MAA.
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15 years ago
This has changed my life. First time I heard, I felt good. Second time I felt better and third time it was a divine experience. I finally figured out what to look for in life.
Now I would like to find some thing that describes this "Indian psychology" lecture in more detail so I can teach people in my masters level counseling class at an American university.
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Sanat Joshi
15 years ago
Dear daxeshbhai, jai krupalu maa.....
Is it possible to have the patanjal yoga sutras recited in Sanskrit so that we can also recite them with correct pronunciation.
This is very good site . Please keep it up
You are doing a wonderful work
we are proud of you. You are doing a very important work which will be appreciated by a large section of people who will understand the value of our rich mythological treasure.
thanks and jai krupalu maa
sanat joshi
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