It is very difficult to recognize true saints and to have deep faith in them. Usually people misunderstand and distance themselves from realized saints. But for those who identify and take shelter unto their lotus feet, everything becomes easy.
Swami Nityanandji was dwelling at a place called Vajreshwari near Mumbai. He was a very powerful saint but he didn't want people to know about his supernatural powers. Most of the time he kept his distance from the crowd and hardly spoke with any of them. Nityanandji's outward appearance was not too impressive at first sight. However, his eyes were very attractive. One could easily guess that he remained submerged in his inner world for the most of his time.
Nityanandji used to behave strangely with the public. Sometimes he used to throw stones at people and sometimes he even used to abuse them with mean words. But there was a reason behind all this. Most of the people who used to visit him were not spiritual aspirants. In fact, many of them were gamblers and came there to expect favor from Swamiji in order to be rich!
Once, a spiritual aspirant visited the place where swami Nityanandji was dwelling. The aspirant was vigorously practicing Yoga and was interested in entering into the Nirvikalp samadhi. After years of strenuous efforts he was not successful in opening the temple doors of samadhi. He was earnestly seeking the guidance and blessings of a realized and powerful spiritual master. That’s how he came to Swami Nityanandji's place.
That young aspirant remained seated after the gathering of devotees disappeared. Suddenly Nityanandji’s attention was drawn to that young aspirant. In his characteristic strange behavior, Swami Nityanandji rose from his seat and approached the young aspirant. He asked in an angry voice, "Why you have come here? Go. Go.” Swamiji raised the young aspirant from his seat and pointing towards the middle of his two eyebrows said, ”Concentrate here, Concentrate here. Light. Light…Peace…Peace.”
What a strange way to give guidance! However that young aspirant did not feel bad. He considered himself fortunate as Swamiji exchanged a few words with him. The young aspirant happily went home and the very next day when he sat in his routine meditation, his mind submerged into divine happiness and he entered into the Nirvikalp samadhi.
This incident speaks volumes. Firstly, unlike most people who approach saints for fulfillment of their worldly desires we should approach saints and sages with the sole aim of spiritual advancement. Secondly, the outward appearance or behaviors can be misleading for judging any saint.