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Swargarohan | સ્વર્ગારોહણ

Danta Road, Ambaji 385110
Gujarat INDIA
Ph: +91-96015-81921
Let the lovely stream of poetry break forth in my harmonious heart
and then manifest into words.  
O my Master Poet, let it bloom in my heart.

Let the fountain of beauty gush forth from the depth of my heart
and then sparkle into rhythm and imagery.  
O my Master Poet! let it gleam in my heart

Let the light of truth illumine my soul
and thereby dispel the gloom of my inner self and then vibrate into a song.  
O my Master! let the light of truth illumine my soul.

To dispel the dark delusion of his eyes Saint Surdas had to blind them.  
Only then Thou revealed Thyself unto him
and made his heart resplendent with poetry and his voice with melody.  

Similarly my Lord,
let the veil of ignorance be lifted from my eyes given to lust and passion,
and let the lyric of Thy love and devotion rush forth from my heart
where Thou shouldest have Thy throne.

Let my harp be stringed to the tunes of Thy heavenly music
and Thy melodies fill the entire universe.  
Let me listen to Thy celestial tunes and behold Thy marvelous vision.  
Only then my soul will have attained Bliss
and echo Thy tunes in its great ecstasy of joy and delight.

- Shri Yogeshwarji
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