I shall not believe thee to be learned:
there is dejection on thy countenance.
I shall not believe thee to be learned.
Like the enchanting loveliness of the fresh morning twilight
thy mind is not beautiful by the light and delight of sweet smile.
I shall not believe thee to be learned.
Sorrowful is the universe.
And thou makest it more sorrowful by grieving.
I shall not call thee a scholar.
The experience of incessant, indestructible, inner pleasure is a mystery to thee.
Thou knowest not the art of bathing in the sweet stream of life inherent in everything.
Thou hast no merriment or the pleasure of its sacred philosopher.
Thou hast not attained a bit of delight and blessedness
resulting from the realization of the universal unity.
Remaining frank and straightforward like a child
thou never derivest joy every instant from thy life;
neither enjoyest nor impartest the pleasure of this life and world.
I shall not believe thee to be learned.
There is depression, differentiation, sorrow and fear on thy countenance.
- Shri Yogeshwarji