When are Thou not easily available in my life?
Right from dawn of life
Thou comest before me in the form of the Mother
and givest the nectar of Thy divine love.
But I know not it is Thou: I cannot recognize Thee anyway.
Even after that, in the from of friends and admirers
and eventually in the disguise of the dearest damsel, introducing Thy love,
Thou approachest me.
But I know not it is Thou: I can’t recognize Thee anyway.
With many an adornment of nature
Thou comest before me hoping for our perpetual union.
But I know not it is Thou: I can’t recognize Thee anyway.
And ultimately at the time of life’s sunset,
being disappointed by all, cherishing hope for eternal happiness,
I endeavour for Thy grace,
and when I proclaim and propagate that I am a lover of Thine,
I know not, but how pitifully do I ridicule
the eternal, incessant, indefatigable, love-search of Thine?
- Shri Yogeshwarji