On Thy feet besmeared with sandalwood I rest like a flower.
Therein lays my blessedness and peace.
Thou can crush me down or make me fortunate for adorning Thy holy head.
Do whatever Thou wishest.
I am resting like a flower on Thy feet.
Therein lays my solace.
Thereby I derive peace.
Gazing at Thy tender lovely eyes, absorbed by affection, I rest silently.
Thou may pierce me with them or make them ooze with affection.
I am gazing at the eyes of Thine.
Therein lies my blessedness and thereby I derive peace.
With my heart open as ever, I rest by the side of Thy gateway –
the gateway of Thy pleasant holy heart.
Thou may reject it, press and rub roughly
or convert into the sacred shrine of Thine.
With my heart open as ever, I am resting by the side of Thy heart.
Therein lays my solace.
Thereby I derive peace.
It is because I am aware of my duty
and understand the mode of my mind that I am blessed.
Thou may greet and bless me with garland of love
or never stand before me,
but I know my duty.
Hence am I blessed and blessedness rests with me forever.
- Shri Yogeshwarji