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Swargarohan | સ્વર્ગારોહણ

Danta Road, Ambaji 385110
Gujarat INDIA
Ph: +91-96015-81921
Let my eyes glittering like those of a partridge
become steady on the moonlike countenance of Thine.  
Let them be infatuated by its heavenly beauty, O my Lord!  
Let my mind, like a butterfly
concentrate itself exhaustively on the lotus-face of Thine.

Let my eyes resembling those of a pied crested cuckoo
meditate on the cloud-like face of Thine.  
Let them be infatuated by its heavenly beauty, O my Lord!  
Make my fish-like mind float in the water of Thy love forever.

Make me prudent enough, O my Lord!
That I may dedicate my soul at Thy feet
and make it engrossed in their divine taste.  
Make the river of my mind embrace and become one
with the great tranquil ocean of Thine.

Let my grasshopper mind concentrate itself on Thy feet.  
Let it be intoxicated with their divine taste, O my Lord!
Let my mind, like some sound,
be accommodated in the universal sound of Thine.  
Like a flower let it join itself in the garland of the romantic epic of Thine.

- Shri Yogeshwarji
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