શ્વેતાશ્વતર ઉપનિષદ

This upanishad differes from other upanishads in many ways. It gives importance to the form of God, whereas in other upanishads, God or Brahman is described as formless. More than that, it addresses them by various names such as Shiva, Rudra, etc. It also highlight the concept of Devotion or Bhakti; the word para-bhakti being used explicitly in the sixth chapter. The second chapter of the Upanishad explores aspects of Yoga. Contrary to other upanishads, which contain serious philosophical thoughts, this Upanishad explain them in a simple and poetic way.
Here, we have presented Shvetashvatara upanishad sanskrit verses with Yogeshwarji's Gujarati translation and comments from two of his books 1. Upanishad no amar varaso and 2. Dus Upanishads (translation in Gujarati poem). We hope that you will like it.